Hi Planet! - SSH: Disable checking host key against known_hosts file.

Hi Everyone! Since this is my first post it is going to be short and sweet. :)

I work on a daily basis with Linux Servers that must be installed, configured, re-installed, configured etc… Over and over, develop and test. Our primary means of communication with these servers is through ssh. Every time a server is re-installed it generates a new ssh key and thus you will always get a “Man in the Middle Attack” warning from SSH like:

[root@fedorabook .ssh]# ssh
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

You then have to open the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and remove the offending key.

Since this is quite a mind numbing and time wasting task, I decided to win back those precious seconds. While perusing the ssh_config man page, I notice in the description of the StrictHostKeyChecking option that:

“The host keys of known hosts will be verified automatically in all cases.”

This means that there is virtually no way to make it ignore the fact that the key has changed. At least there is no “designed” way.

I then started looking at the file that the remote key is checked against; the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

From what I can tell it is also impossible to disable writing remote host keys to this file.

So here we are with:

  1. No way to stop writing remote host keys into the known_hosts file
  2. No way to ignore the fact that the key in the known_hosts file doesn’t match the key in the (newly reinstalled) target server.

What is the solution to this?

Well, since we can’t disable writing new keys to the known_hosts file and we can’t disable checking keys that are in the known_hosts file, why don’t we just make the known_hosts file always be empty. Yep, that’s right. Let’s just point the known_hosts file to /dev/null.

Turns out you can do this by setting the UserKnownHostsFile option in the ~/.ssh/config file.


Voila! Now you will never be bothered by the same message again. It isn’t all fruit and berries though. Now, since your known_hosts file is always empty, you will always be presented with the following message every time you ssh to any server:

[root@fedorabook .ssh]# ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 08:50:e8:e4:1b:17:fd:69:08:bf:44:f2:c4:e4:8a:27.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

In other words, you just traded one pain for another. However there is a solution for this as well :). We can make SSH automatically write new host keys to the known_hosts file by setting StrictHostKeyChecking to “no” in the ~/.ssh/config file.


And now you are smooth sailing to connect away without the impedence of interactive warning and error messages. Beware, however, that there are some security implications to performing the modifications that I have suggested. The web page here has an overview of SSH security, the different ssh options, and the implications of each. Of course, it suggests that you shouldn’t set StrictHostKeyChecking=no but in my case, working on lab/test machines without sensitive data on them, I decided to take the risk.


Dusty Mabe