Update on Easy PXE boot testing post: minus PXELINUX

Introduction This is an update to my previous post about easily testing PXE booting by using libvirt + iPXE. Several people have notified me (thanks Lukas Zapletal and others) that instead of leveraging PXELINUX that I could just use an iPXE script to do the same thing. I hadn’t used iPXE much so here’s an update on how to achieve the same goal using an iPXE script instead of a PXELINUX binary+config. [Read More]

Easy PXE boot testing with only HTTP using iPXE and libvirt

Update: A future post explains how to do this even easier without PXELINUX. Introduction Occasionally I have a need to test out a PXE install workflow. All of this is super easy if you have a permanent PXE infrastructure you maintain which traditionally has consisted of DHCP, TFTP and HTTP/FTP servers. What if I just have my laptop and want to test something in a VM? It turns out it’s pretty easy to do using libvirt and a simple http server. [Read More]