GCP Quickstart Guide for OpenShift OKD

Introduction I recently did a blog post series. showing how to get started with OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS for DigitalOcean. For that series I wrote a script to do most of the heavy lifting because DigitalOcean isn’t a native supported platform by the OpenShift installer. Today I’ll show off how to get started in GCP, which is supported natively by the OpenShift installer. This makes it much easier to get started because most of the heavy lifting (including infrastructure bringup) is done by the installer itself. [Read More]

OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS on DigitalOcean Part 4: Recorded Demo

NOTE: The fourth post of this series is available here. This blog post is the fifth in a series that illustrates how to set up an OpenShift OKD cluster on DigitalOcean. Back on August 17th I highlighted this blog post series with a presentation and demo for the OKD working group’s Demo Marathon. The video is posted on YouTube and also available below. If you’re interested take some time and watch the whole process work and see a cluster up and running at the end. [Read More]

OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS on DigitalOcean Part 3: Upgrading

Introduction NOTE: The third post of this series is available here. This blog post is the fourth in a series that illustrates how to set up an OpenShift OKD cluster on DigitalOcean. The third post in the series covered further configuration of a cluster once it’s already up and running. At this point you should have a cluster up and running and configured with custom TLS certificates and user login’s outsourced to some other identity management service. [Read More]

OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS on DigitalOcean Part 2: Configuration

Introduction NOTE: The second post of this series is available here. This blog post is the third in a series that illustrates how to set up an OpenShift OKD cluster on DigitalOcean. The second post in the series covered the automated deployment and teardown of a cluster using the digitalocean-okd-install script. At this point you should have a cluster up and running and ready to be further customized. Set Up Custom TLS Certificates In the first post in this series we mentioned that you may want to have valid certificates for your cluster. [Read More]

OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS on DigitalOcean Part 1: Deployment

Introduction NOTE: The first post of this series is available here. This blog post is the second in a series that illustrates how to set up an OpenShift OKD cluster on DigitalOcean. The first post in the series covered some background information and pre-requisites needed for deploying a cluster. At this point you should have chosen the domain for your cluster, set up your registrar to point to DigitalOcean nameservers, installed all necessary software (doctl, openshift-install, oc, aws cli, etc. [Read More]

OpenShift OKD on Fedora CoreOS on DigitalOcean Part 0: Preparation

Introduction This blog post is the first in a series that will illustrate how to set up an OpenShift OKD cluster on DigitalOcean using the bare metal install documentation (user provisioned infrastructure). OKD has tight integrations with the Operating System and uses Fedora CoreOS as a platform for driving the underlying infrastructure, thus we’ll be deploying on top of Fedora CoreOS images inside of DigitalOcean. The documentation for OKD is pretty comprehensive, but there is nothing like having a guide to help fill in some of the gaps and show an example of it working with real world values. [Read More]

Automating a Custom Install of Fedora CoreOS

Introduction With Fedora CoreOS we currently have two ways to do a bare metal install and get our disk image onto the spinning rust of a “non-cloud” server. You can use coreos.inst* kernel arguments to automate the install, or you can boot the Live ISO and get a bash prompt where you can then run coreos-installer directly after doing whatever hardware/network discovery that is necessary. This means you either do a simple automated install where you provide all of the information up front or you are stuck doing something interactive. [Read More]

Network teaming using NetworkManager keyfiles on Fedora CoreOS

Introduction NetworkManager allows connections to be defined in a configuration file known as a keyfile , which is a simple .ini-style formatted file with different key=value pairs. In Fedora CoreOS we’ve elected to use NetworkManager with keyfiles as the way to configure networking. In case you have a standard networking environment with NICs requesting DHCP then you probably won’t need to configure networking. However, if you’d like to have a static networking config or if you’d like to do something more complicated (like configure network teaming for a few interfaces) then you’ll need to create a keyfile that NetworkManager will then use to configure the interfaces on the machine. [Read More]

virt-install: boot from specific kernel/initrd just for install

Introduction For some time now with virt-install (developed under virt-manager) you have been able to specify a kernel and initial ramdisk to start a VM with. The only problem is that the VM will always start with that kernel/initrd (unless you change the definition manually). If you are rapidly testing operating system installations this can be problematic. On the one hand, providing the kernel/initrd allows one to automate the install process from a Linux terminal, or even a script, by specifying the kernel/initrd and also the kernel command line options. [Read More]

Devconf.cz 2020 Fedora CoreOS Lab

Setting Up For The Lab This lab uses a Fedora CoreOS image and several utilities (fcct, ignition-validate) to introduce a user to provisioning and exploring a Fedora CoreOS system. This lab is written targeting a Linux environment with a working libvirt/kvm setup. To perform this lab you need to download the tar archive at this link (signed checksum file) and extract it. We recommend extracting it into your home directory like so: [Read More]